Drag Mouse Wheel to Rotate the view. It rotates around an invisible Point of Interest.
Hold Shift and drag to Move the point of interest.
Hold Ctrl and drag or roll the Mouse Wheel to Zoom in and out
Change View
Middle Mouse
Axis View
Numpad 1 – 9
Num 1, Num 3 & Num 7 to view from Front, Side & Top.
Num 9 to Invert the current view direction.
Num 5 to toggle Orthographic view.
Num 2, Num 4, Num 6, Num 8 to Rotate the view in 15° steps.
Camera View
Numpad 0
Numpad 0 to align the view with the scene camera.
Ctrl + Numpad 0 to align the view with the selected camera and make it the scene camera.
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 0 to align the scene camera with the current view.
Frame Selected
Numpad .
Numpad . to set the Point of Interest to the current selection.
Numpad ∕ to toggle Local View which also hides all but the selected object.
Change Mode
Ctrl + Tab
Ctrl + Tab to see all available modes.
Tab to toggle Edit mode directly.
If the cursor is hovering a timeline, Ctrl + Tab to toggle graph view.
Press X, Y or Z to lock to an axis. Press twice to switch from global to local axes.
Shift + X, Y or Z to exclude an axis.
In Edit Mode, press G twice to slide along existing edges.
Press X, Y or Z to lock to an axis. Press twice to switch from global to local axes.
Shift + X, Y or Z to exclude an axis.
Press R twice to switch to gimbal mode.
Press X, Y or Z to lock to an axis. Press twice to switch from global to local axes.
Shift + X, Y or Z to exclude an axis.
Shift + A
Shift + A adds new data.
Depending on the context, this can be a new object, a new mesh inside the active object or a new node.
Press X in Object Mode to delete selected objects.
Press X in Edit Mode to delete selected vertices, edges or faces.
H to hide the selection.
Shift + H to hide everything but the selection.
Alt + H to unhide all.
Meshes that are hidden in Edit Mode are visible in Object Mode.
Shift + D
Shift + D to duplicate the selection.
Alt + D in Object Mode to create Linked Duplicates, which reference the original data instead of copying it.
Change Shading
Shift + Z to toggle Wireframe and X-ray , to see and select through the mesh.
Alt + Z to only toggle X-ray.
Selection Modes
1 , 2 , 3
1 for vertex select.
2 for edge select.
3 for face select.
Switching modes can change the selection!
Shift + S
Move one thing precisely to another, especially useful to position the 3D Cursor.
Shift + Right Mouse to set the 3D cursor by hand.
Clear Transform
Alt + G , R , S
Only in Object Mode
Alt + G to clear location.
Alt + R to clear rotation.
Alt + S to clear scale.
Ctrl + A
Only in Object Mode
Ctrl + A to apply changes to the transform.
Applies modifiers if hovered in the list.
Repeat Last
Shift + R
Shift + R to repeat the last action.
Repeats Move, Rotate and Scale relative to the result of the previous action.
Select All
A to select all objects, meshes, keyframes etc. depending the context.
Alt + A to deselect all.
Add to Selection
Shift + Left Mouse
Shift + Left Mouse on unselected to add to the selection.
Shift + Left Mouse on selected to remove from the selection.
Select Loop
Alt + Left Mouse
Alt + Left Mouse while the cursor is close to a crossing edge.
Alt+Shift+Left Mouse to add or remove loops from the selection.
Only works on multiple faces if they are four-sided ("quads").
Select Path / Area
Ctrl + Left Mouse
Ctrl+Left Mouse to add the shortest path of vertices or faces to the selection.
Ctrl+Shift+Left Mouse to add or remove an area.
Select Linked
L to select all linked vertices under the cursor.
Shift + L to remove all linked vertices from the selection
Ctrl + L to select what is linked to the current selection.
Select More / Less
Ctrl + Num +
Ctrl + Num + to select more.
Ctrl + Num - to select less.
Ctrl + Shift + Num + to select more elements with the same distance as the last two.
Select Similar
Shift + G
Ctrl + G to select all with similar traits to the current selection.
Also works with objects or nodes selected (Select Grouped)
E to extrude a connected copy of the selected mesh and wait for input to be moved.
ESC or Right click to end the extrusion without moving it. Creates "doubles"!
Alt + E for more options.
I to inset around the selected faces.
Press I again to inset individual faces.
Press O to toggle outset.
Press B to toggle boundary.
Add Face
F to add a new face to the mesh. Adds a loose edge if two separate vertices are selected.
Alt + F to fill Ngons with triangles.
Ctrl + F to bring up all face options including "Grid Fill"
Merge all selected vertices at a specified location.
Merge By Distance to remove vertices that are closer than the threshold value, which you can set in the context menu.
Y to split the selection.
The selection is disconnected but still part of the same data block and object.
P to separate the selection into a new object.
The new object will have the same modifiers as the object it was separated from.
Loop Cut
Ctrl + R
Ctrl + R to cut a loop if faces into segments.
Roll the Mouse Wheel to change the number of segments.
Only works on multiple faces if they are four-sided ("quads").
Connect Path
J to connect vertices in the order in which they were selected.
Cuts into faces and creates additional vertices when the path intersects with existing edges.
Ctrl + B
Ctrl + B to bevel edges.
Roll the Mouse Wheel to adjust the number of segments.
V to toggle vertex bevel.
C to toggle clamping.
P to adjust the bevel profile.
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + X to delete vertices but connect the surrounding edges. The result is based on the selection mode.
X > Limited Dissolve dissolves all vertices/edges below a treshold angle.
Extrude to Cursor
Ctrl + Right Mouse
Ctrl + Right Mouse to extrude to the cursor position and adjust the rotation of the previous segment.
Extrusions will be placed at the depth of the 3D cursor.
Snap (Toggle)
Hold Ctrl to enable snapping.
Works with Move, Rotate and Scale as well as Sliders
You can snap to increments (default) or geometry (vertices, edges, faces).
Granular Input
Hold Shift to divide the mouse input for more precise control.
Works with Move, Rotate and Scale as well as Sliders
If you have multiple objects selected, editing parameters will only affect the active object.
Hold Alt to change the parameters of all selected objects instead.
To Sphere
Shift + Alt + S
Shift + Alt + S makes selected vertices approach a sphere. Accepts inputs between 0 and 1.
Turns a single loop of vertices into a circle.
Subdivision Surface
Ctrl + 1
Ctrl + 1, 2, 3 to add a subdivision surface modifier with corresponding levels.
Ctrl + 0 will disable the modifier (level 0).